Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Final Chapter

After the fight and all the congratulations in the arena I headed upstairs. I called my Mum and told her that all was OK. Whilst talking to her I got a little emotional. The last 8 weeks had been tough, both in the ring and outside of the ring, and the fact that I'd made it through was a little overwhelming. After I put the phone down and washed my face I went to the red teams room to find Ben. He was in the bathroom tending to his cut and I thanked him for the fight. We agreed to meet downstairs for a proper chat. I quickly showered and changed and went to have some fun with everyone and try and catch the end of the last fight.

The number of people, complete strangers, that stopped and patted me on the back was incredible. Those of you that know my ego will also now realise I was in my element. It was so good to walk into the room with my head held high having not disgraced myself and having proven that I could do this.

The rest of the night was one big party. I partied with my staff, my friends, the other fighters well into the early hours before heading home in anticipation of the pain that would await me on Saturday.

This whole experience has been phenomenal. The level of respect I have for anyone who puts the gloves on and goes into any ring is unrivalled and the benefits I've gained from the last 8 weeks far outweigh the pain, tears and blood that I've shed in this period.

I will continue training. I will continue supporting John, Zack and their boys wherever and in whatever way I can and you never know one day I may well lace up the gloves again for another go in the ring!
A friend of mine sent me some lyrics to a song called the Boxer and I cannot find a more suitable way of ending this experience than with those words.
"In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him til he cried out in his anger and his shame. I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains. Yes he still remains"

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