Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Time to Just Relax

I've just come back from a session in the gym. We only did a few minutes of shadow boxing and then spent the rest of the hour talking about Friday. Zack keeps mentioning the fact that my opponent has been training hard on countering my jab with hard body shots. It got me nervous and made me tense up. I need to relax. I need to keep my shoulders loose and my emotions calmer than they are now. Zack did however also have a great remedy for overly tense boxers on the night......2 aspirins and a glass of red wine 30 minutes before the fight....I'm beginning to REALLY like this guy!!

I've decided to have another session hitting some pads tomorrow. At this time of night, with Bones on telly and with a million things going through my mind I think it will do me good to have some light punching tomorrow. I've also booked a sports massage for tomorrow night and by that I mean a sports massage....not a massage for sport! I'm hoping the combination of release of aggression against a padded hand and the firm pressure of the Angsana Spa Massage team should help focus me on what I can do instead of what the other guy may be able to do.

I'll be glad when Friday night is out of the way. I'm really looking forward to boxing training without the fear and pressure of actually boxing. I realise this sounds weird and it sounds like it shouldn't make sense but believe me if you ever get the opportunity to have this experience you'll know EXACTLY what I mean.

On a more positive note Zack also told us that we'd have a couple of his team in our dressing room to get us exactly what we want. As I'll be in the room from 6 till 10 before I fight I've started amusing myself with stuff I can ask for......a bowl of M&M's with all colours except blue removed, a magnum or two of Cristal and I've even considered sending one of the younger guys out to find me some chicken lips just so I can time how long he looks before giving up......harsh but fair I feel!!

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