Friday, April 4, 2008

I Have A Dream.....

I'm writing this in the bedroom of a very flash hotel in Dublin. I'm lucky enough to be on a Fam trip of North and South Ireland and last night we went an exploration of Temple Bar and its various activities. Suffice to say today I hurt. That pain however is not the reason for writing these few words. Since "that" call from John last week I haven't really thought too much about the boxing. In my mind the experience doesn't become real until I start training and that's a few weeks off yet. However obviously subconsciously it's affecting me. In my 4 hours of sleep last night I dreamt about the fight and more importantly about my German opponent. Predictably he was blond and tall but the guy in my dreams also had a scar and a tattoo on his neck. Now, I'm pretty sure an advertising executive in Dubai won't have a tattoo on his neck but this shows how your mind can play tricks on you. I can't say I'm that nervous yet but I do think I'd better start focusing on getting ready. With that in mind I've decided that I'll use the train journey to Belfast to choose the music mix that I'll come into the ring with.....that'll show the German who's boss!

WHAT? - It's a start isn't it?!!!!!!

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