Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'll give you more if you cry.....

Sometimes stuff happens that really makes you proud to know the people you do. Yesterday I sent a mail to a select number of my friends, family and close contacts. I'd decided that a good cause to raise money for with the fight would be the orphanage we support in Sudan and a good aim would be $4000 in order to build and equip a new ward for 12 babies. Within 2 hours of sending the mail the $4000 had already been reached and exceeded. It really is incredibly touching and I can't thank everyone enough. Obviously now we need to aim for 2 wards!!

So that y'all don't think I'm turning into a soft southern git I thought I'd better just caveat these comments with my favourite responses that I received yesterday.

Firstly Paddy came up with the double sponsorship technique - $30 for the fight and an extra $50 if I knock him out!

Then Stuart wanted to know if he still had to pay if I died!!! Nice!

Favourite of all was Daron's genius of target based sponsorship. $50 to fight, another $50 if I pull his shorts down in the ring, another $50 if I kick him, $100 if I bite his ear, $50 more if I make him cry, $100 if I cry......etc etc. It's absolutely brilliant. I can't wait for my next bonus setting meeting with Daron!!

Seriously, guys and gals, thank you so much. Thanks to your generosity all of the pain and all of the aching bones will at least now mean that some kids are going to have a little bit of a better chance of life.

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