Tuesday, April 1, 2008

But I'm on my way to Burger King.........

So today it happened. I was just pulling into Burger King near media city and my phone rang. The guilt of my impending fast food almost made me ignore the call and the fact that I didn't recognise the number allowed me a level of justification in just hitting the busy button. Something however made me answer.

"It's me - John" said the voice. It didn't sound like any John I know and there was an accent that I wasn't sure of. "Oh John, how are you?" I lied.

"I'm great", he said "and I've got some fantastic news....it's D Day and you've been chosen to fight at Fight Night 3". I giggled. In retrospect that possibly wasn't the most manly of responses but it came from a sudden inner realisation that someone was going to hit me in front of 1000 people. He continued "I can't tell you who you'll be fighting but all I can say is he's a year older than you, an inch taller than you and 5kg heavier than you, oh and he's German. Plus he's an advertising executive and all of the training and fight will be filmed for a German TV program and so you'll be as famous as David Hasselhoff in Germany."

Lots of things passed through my mind, not least that its not fair that he's bigger than me (I'd hoped for a fat midget), that my mum would kill me if she found out what I was doing and that I bet he didn't use the D Day line with him.

I didn't go into Burger King.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kinnel! I'm not surprised you're crapping yourself! Some of these Germans are bloody big and can be really mean as my granddad swears from experience. I would make sure he knows the history of the white flag and what a towel thrown in the ring signifies. Whatever you do, do not let him find out you are part French too otherwise he'll move into your house after he batters you.
Anyway good luck and I'll be cheering (quietly,) for you.
p.s. Make sure the first aid box is replenished.