Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Sport of Warriors

After a few false starts, last night I finally got into a ring and started actual boxing training. You'll notice I said last night. The plan was that I'd write a note about the training when I got back but I really couldn't. Everything tightened up and I ended up just sat in the bath for an hour. I also needed to be up and in the gym by 7.30 to meet up with Ronnie. Boxing training will now be every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 6am and then again at 6pm - 6 sessions a week. I'll then be with Ronnie in between and have Fridays off.

The first thing to say is that I was SO happy to see the boxing gym. We live in such a sanitised environment in Dubai, with everything shiny, clean and new and I had thought the gym would also fit into this Dubain mold. It doesn't. It's a dirty, smelly, testosterone filled den of blood and sweat. As you walk in the sound of gloves on leather and loud rap music engulfs you and gives you an extra step. There are no niceties for a new boy training for a one off fight in an environment of tough men who either train for fights or could fight if push came to shove. Within a minute of being in there Zack, my new boxing trainer had me skipping "until I tell you to stop". He didn't tell me for ages! This was followed by running laps around the gym, press ups, sit ups, crunches and other painful exercises aimed at warming every inch of your body.

Then they gave me my kit. However lucky you are in life with possessions or finances it always feels nice to get something! In my kit bag were a pair of Blue Lonsdale gloves (told you they were the best!), some hand wraps and a head protector. It was then time to get in the ring for my first go at punching. It's not easy is it?! My trainer was a short, incredibly nimble bloke from Ghana called Richie. He showed me the correct stance and we began with left jabs. Lots and lots of left jabs. Then Right hooks, then left jab right hook, then double jab, right hook then 4 combinations then 6 get the picture by now I guess.

Ring training is in fight conditions and so you train for 3 minutes, a bloke rings the bell and you rest for 30 seconds, he rings it again and another 3 minutes punching. It went on like this for about 30 minutes by which time I could hardly lift my 18oz gloves let alone left jab or right hook. The final bell rang and Richie said "well done, now get on the floor and give me 50 sit ups". If he wasn't so hard I'd have kicked him.

For the first time since the saga started I'm getting the feeling that I'm going to enjoy this. I wish I could explain why. Last night punching Richie's padded hands hurt so much it's indescribable. The risk of someone else hitting you hasn't even entered the training yet and so that adds that extra bit of spice to proceedings. Having said that I loved the boxing gym. It was a room filled with Men, with a capital M, who, for whatever personal reasons, feel the desire to box.

I read an article on the psychology of boxing this week and in it the author states that "boxing is not a sport you play. It's a sport where you can get hurt. Boxing is a sport for warriors, those that are strong both mentally and physically. We will all face fear and doubt but with dedicated training and experience we learn to quell these feelings. When fight night comes the wait in the locker room is enough to break the average man. Most men have never been involved in a fair one-on-one fight. Most have never been punched in the face. For this reason, most cannot comprehend the feeling of sitting and waiting to do battle with another man, whose soul purpose is to knock you out. He has sweat and bled in the gym for one reason, to hand you defeat. You must face this challenge alone. Your friends and family can only watch from outside the ring."

Today I hurt. Part of that is due to the boxing last night and part due to Ronnie this morning, but you know what, today I've also realised that I can actually do this. No one is going to stop me and no one is going to get in my way. The sport of warriors has a new son, at least for the next 9 weeks.

PS: the punch bag is still in the back of the car....Dave hurry up and come back to Dubai will ya!!


Unknown said...

Naz, dont want to be a pessimist or rain on your parade or anything but when you say you think you are going to enjoy this experience, doesn't it make you realise what a masochist you are. Maybe as well as seeing this trainer and Ronnie Australia, you might be as well hiring the services of a Dominatrix?
I worry for you at times...

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for your excting description
could you please where is this gym located in dubai