Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lean Mean Fighting Machine? Well Almost!

Normally I hate anything that resembles a medical. Growing up the son of a doctor that may sound strange and if I think back I really don't think the dislike of check ups started until I reached Dubai. It's since I landed in this Desert Disneyland that I've begun to treat medicals with the level of disdain I usually reserve for vegetarians. The reason is clear. Here in Dubai they make you have a HIV test before giving you the right to live and work here and although everyone is 100% sure they are OK, there is still that little devil that sits on your shoulder reminding you of possible past indiscretions. That first test, 4 years ago, changed me for what I thought was the rest of my life. The subsequent one last year was less traumatic but you do still wonder about that ropey barber shop in Karama you once used for a 10 dirham shave and haircut with a blunt razor.

Anyhow, this week I think all of these fears disappeared. I actually requested a check up from Ronnie at the gym. You see I'm feeling great. I had my best session of sparring on Thursday night where I did everything Zack told me to do and kept all the bad men from punching me. I then had another couple of strong gym and circuit sessions and I thought it would be interesting to see what the events of the last 5 weeks have actually done to my body. The change is incredible. Firstly, when I took my top off Ronnie didn't laugh (see earlier note "Ronnie Austria"). In fact my core strength (muscles in my gut and lower chest) has increased by 40%. My arms have increased in strength significantly, my legs have lost their fat and become much leaner in muscle, I've lost about a kilo but the amount of this 85kg of weight that was fat has decreased massively. The most impressive movement has been in my Body fat index. This has gone from just below 25% to just below 14%! Now I'm told that professional body builders have less than 3% but if we're honest they are just freaks. I am also told that pro footballers are around 14%.......United here I come!! This is obviously where I've been going wrong for so long, it's not my footwork or ability, I've just been a little fat!

I've just come back from another sparring session and once again I felt really comfortable. Its now 12 days until the big night and I'm hoping that I can time my peak of fitness and mental stability just right. I have 2 more nights of sparring and a week of gym sessions before we stop and work on the mind for the last 5 days and so we are definitely entering the home straight.

Whatever happens on the night of 6th June I now feel so much better, fitter, stronger, more confident and down right harder than I did when I first received John's call on April 1st. The trick is going to be relaxing and getting through the fight and then keeping this Brown Sugar body after it's all over.

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