Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Penguins and Guilt!

Having not shut up about my body fat index for the last couple of days Aiveen told me off today for wanting a bit of chocolate. She quite rightly pointed out that I’d soon become Fat Naz again if I carried on thinking like that. She also quite rightly mentioned the fact that as a diabetic this wanton lust for chocolate probably didn’t help my blood sugar! So I listened to her. I chewed away at my supplement bar, giving me all the protein and carbs I need but tasting like cardboard and air, and I quickly forgot my cravings.

However, after I got back from training tonight a full pack of Penguin Biscuits appeared in our kitchen!! I haven’t seen Penguins since I was a kid back at home and even then they were always in the “special” secret biscuit tin alongside the Breakaways and the Wagon Wheels for when important guests came around. A treat from the secret tin (not actually that secret really – it was hidden in the cupboard under the sink) was the highlight of the week and really only happened on a Sunday evening and if Nottingham Forest (my dad’s team) and Man City (Mum’s team) both won.

So, imagine my glee when in my own house, in plain sight, purchased with my own hard earned cash, there were 20 penguins!!!!! Training went well, 9 days until the fight, blood sugar under control I thought sod you Aiveen, I’m having a Penguin.

My God they are good. The final squeeze of that last mouthful out of the packet reminded me so much of happy, carefree times when all that mattered was that you’d done your homework, you were in the team for Sunday’s match and your dad didn’t find out who really broke next door’s window.

After all of the work I’ve put in to the last 7 weeks I think I deserve a little treat to myself and what better way than to pi…pi….pi….pick up a penguin once again!

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